EyeToy: Play 3 PS2
EyeToy: Play 3 PlayStation 2 konsolille. Kuvasta poiketen Platinum julkaisu.
Peli vaatii EyeToy kameran toimiakseen.
Sisältö: Pelilevy, kotelo, ohjekirja
Kunto: Käytetty
Aluekoodi: PAL
Whether you want to play alone or if you want to have fun with your family and friends, EyeToy: Play 3 is guaranteed to make you jump off the couch and get the party rocking!
The worlds best party game series returns for yet another round of intense family entertainment and fantastically innovative EyeToy features, once again thanks to SCEE London Studio. EyeToy: Play 3 is packed with 12 new, exciting games, deliciously innovative playroom experiments and a senselessly developed multiplayer mode that now lets up to four players fight against each other at the same time.
Now you can find your EyeToy camera and turn on the TV for Sonys popular and award-winning EyeToy series continues with EyeToy: Play 3. To date, the most advanced game in the series with more
than 50 different mini-games and which of course uses the special and easily accessible USB EyeToy camera that allows you to be a part of the game yourself. So get out on the floor and speed up your heart rate!